Blue Card EU
The Blue Card EU is a temporary residence permit that can be issued to foreign academics (university graduates) for the purpose of employment in Germany.
The requirements are a German university degree, a recognised foreign university degree or a foreign university degree comparable to a German university degree. The specific job offer in Germany must be employment appropriate to the academic qualification.
The EU Blue Card can only be issued without the consent of the Federal Employment Agency if the gross annual salary of the foreign employee will be at least EUR 56,800 (in 2021). For employees in the fields of mathematics, IT, natural sciences, engineering and human medicine an gross annual salary of EUR 44,304 (in 2021) is sufficient, but the approval of the Federal Employment Agency is then required. The income limits are redefined annually.
The EU Blue Card is usually issued for a period of four years. Only if the employment relationship is of a shorter duration the Blue Card will also be issued with a correspondingly shorter period of validity, plus an additional three months during which another job can be sought.
After already 33 months of employment, the holder of a Blue Card can apply for a settlement permit for skilled workers if he or she has basic German language skills (level A1). If the knowledge of the German language is sufficient (level B1), the settlement permit can already be granted after 21 months.
The spouse and minor children of the holder of an EU Blue Card receive a residence permit within the framework of family reunification even without German language skills.
The EU Blue Card can be issued in the fast-track procedure for professionals. The foreigners authority at the place of future employment is responsible.
We will be happy to advise and represent you if you are an employer and want to employ a foreign qualified professional or if you want to come to Germany as a foreign qualified professional.